Saturday, December 31, 2005

Mama and Julius play in the sand in between rain showers. Posted by Picasa

A park with a view. Posted by Picasa

There seems to be a cloud hanging over the downtown area. Posted by Picasa

Walter Haas Park, fully equipped for families of all ages. Posted by Picasa

Nothing beats a banana after a long hike. Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 30, 2005

This train is delicious! Posted by Picasa

My first Christmas. Posted by Picasa

Opening a Christmas present from Aunt Cathy, Uncle John, and Cousins Lauren, Brendan, and Allison. Thank you! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

On the Carousel at the Zeum. Posted by Picasa

Argh! These tiles are mighty tasty, aren't they, Naji? Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 26, 2005

Road trip! Posted by Picasa

We'd never seen a sign like this before. Posted by Picasa

The sign doesn't lie. Posted by Picasa

A walk in the redwoods. Posted by Picasa

Picnic lunch in Butano State Park. Posted by Picasa

Banana slugs are found only in the Santa Cruz mountains. Julius didn't seem to be interested in this type of banana. Posted by Picasa

A tasty deli/bakery in Pescadero. Julius stared at this sign when we first arrived. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy End of the Year of the Rooster:) Posted by Picasa

Julius finally meets up with Tarka kitty face-to-face, after stalking her around the tree awhile:) Posted by Picasa

Thanks for the sweet gifts John & Tanya:) Posted by Picasa

Julius smells his first Christmas tree at John & Tanya's house, yummm:) Posted by Picasa

Finally, the toys get some attention! Posted by Picasa

I like watching my folks open their presents, too:) Posted by Picasa

I especially like the little post-it note you attached, as it reminds me of a "tag", one of my other all time favorite things! Posted by Picasa

Two generations of Roosters! Thanks Papa & Nana:) Posted by Picasa