Monday, March 27, 2006

Helping Nana pack. Sorry, Nana, the baby stays with us. Posted by Picasa

Bay Quackers

We took Nana and Papa on an amphibious city tour with "Bay Quackers" ( Quack! Quack! Posted by Picasa

Hyde Street Pier! Posted by Picasa

Chinatown! Posted by Picasa

Union Square! Posted by Picasa

He seems to be enjoying the water portion of the tour. Posted by Picasa

For his first birthday, we bought Julius his very own Castle. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Julius adds a wicked bass line to Papa's Scott Joplin. Posted by Picasa

Strollin' through the 'hood with my Nana and my Papa. Posted by Picasa

Stopping for lunch at Alice's restaurant. (No, the other one.) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Soundtrack: "Julius's eyes. Daddy's eyes. Julius's ears. Daddy's ears...." Posted by Picasa

Fun! Cars that scoot away on their own. Thank you, Aunt Patty, Uncle Jim, Joshie, Jordan, and Amanda! Posted by Picasa

Papa helps to demonstrate the proper car-scooting technique. Posted by Picasa

Action! Posted by Picasa

That's the thing about balloons. They fall up. Posted by Picasa

This balloon is fun because you can smash it, and it makes lots of crinkly sounds. Posted by Picasa

Balloons! And Spiderman wrapping paper! Posted by Picasa

Dinosaurs! These are a lot of fun ... thank you Nancy! And the "Flower Power" mats will surely brighten our family table. Posted by Picasa

Classical composer? or DJ raver? Either way, we'll trace it back to this Mozart Magic Cube from Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Susan, and Cousin Henry. Posted by Picasa

Next time we visit Uncle Dave and Aunt Leslie, we'll be sure to bring the finger paints. Posted by Picasa

Nothing like farm animals to bring a little country life into the city boy's world. Posted by Picasa

Carol (a.k.a. "Gram") customized this "Julius the Green Dolphin" towel set to go with the "Julius the Green Dolphin" book. Wow! Thank you, Gram-Carol! We can't wait for bath time! Posted by Picasa

Opening presents from Nana and Papa. Posted by Picasa

First dump truck, complete with a load of meatballs. Posted by Picasa

This time, there was very little wasting of the birthday cake. Posted by Picasa