Sunday, February 25, 2007

This was a big day for Julius. This morning, he decided to count his toes, one through ten. Amazing! Daddy wasn't sure what was happening at first, but he did it again for Momma, and then later, on the phone, he counted the keys on the phone, up to eleven, for Nana and Papa.
Later, we took a walk, and we met a new friend, Serenna. Julius explained that this truck is a "backhoe loadert" (with the "t" on the end), and the two proceeded to drive around town, digging holes in the street. OK, that last part was an embellishment, but you could tell they were thinking about it. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Our neighbor is having her trees trimmed today. There are men in trees, a big truck to chop up the branches, and lots of excitement. Posted by Picasa

Breakfast at the window, keeping an eye out for tree trimmers. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Cheers! Rhonda came up for a visit, and Julius showed off his hospitality, along with his torso. Posted by Picasa

This little parakeet landed on our porch. We gave it some peanuts, but it flew away. Julius talked about it the rest of the day. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Azucena and Julius share Mommy's lap for a spell. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Today, the boys installed a new kitchen faucet. There was also a contest to see who could hold the most tools in his hands. Posted by Picasa

Juju found a beetle in this hole he dug in the back yard. Yay! Mud! Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 05, 2007

Big Boat

The Queen Mary 2, which is the largest cruise ship ever to sail into SF Bay, was moored here for a day. We broke curfew to check it out. "Beeeg Boat!" said Julius. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Guide to Recognizing Your Spades. Posted by Picasa

Juju, Azu, and Jackson share a bounce on the couch. Posted by Picasa

Poppy seems excited, but Julius, skeptical. Posted by Picasa

Azu, Jackson, and Riley take a breather. Posted by Picasa

As close as it gets to having all seven babies on the sofa. Happy second anniversary of the Natural Resources group! Posted by Picasa