Saturday, June 30, 2007

Kitty likes to ride on back, just like Juju used to do on Momma's back.
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Friday, June 29, 2007

We finally broke out the finger paints that Aunt Leslie and Uncle David gave us many moons ago.
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Note the deft use of the screwdriver. The experts can tend their pumpkins without even looking at them.
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Showing off his little green thumb, Julius grows pumpkins from seeds given to us by Dan and Mary-Liz.
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Saturday, June 23, 2007

What you've gotta love about photography is when you just happen to capture one of those great, unrehearsed, organic, unposed moments. This is not one of those moments.
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Last morning visiting with Auntie Cathy, Uncle John, and Cousins Lauren, Brendan, and Allison. Shortly after taking this shot, we heard an ominous clunking sound coming from the bed. The photo shoot was terminated immediately.
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At the Yosemite Bug, the morning of Julius's first night in a big boy bed, with no rails and no Mommy or Daddy! Looks like everything went smoothly. Later, Julius said "Need turn on fan, keep a room, cool off." Yeah, that's pretty much how it works, buddy. You're getting it.
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Friday, June 22, 2007

Momma's mule, Priscilla. When we were waiting for Momma, Julius spotted a backhoe in the parking lot. Using the abbreviated whine that he employs as a part of speech that translates roughly as "I want," he said "[I want] see backhoe." On the way to said backhoe, we spotted the stables. "[I want] see horses ... after ... see backhoe, OK, Daddy?" Yes, Julius. Anything you schedule is all right with Daddy.
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Cheesy crackers, shared on a towel, cousin to cousin. That's pretty much what summertime is all about.
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A nice, hot day for a cool swim with Cousin Allison and Uncle John, a lovely river set amid world class chunks of rock.
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Juju and Allison at the Food Court of the Yosemite National Mall.
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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Julius and Cousin Lauren ride in the helicopter at the Santa Cruz boardwalk amusement park.
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Daddy gets a bite of watermelon at the Santa Cruz boardwalk.
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Tide-pooling at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in Moss Beach. The tide was extra low, so there were acres and acres of exposed rocks to explore. We saw a sea worm that was about two feet long, and lots of starfish, sea squirts, anemones, snails, mussels, and crabs.
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

A hike through Muir Woods ... on the last leg, Julius and the cousins practiced running down the path. At one point, there was a fork in the road, where both forks rejoined on the other side of Cathedral Grove. When Daddy started going down the opposite fork that the cousins had taken, Julius noticed, stopped running, and yelled at the cousins to stop! He didn't want them to get lost. Later, we saw a man being carted to an ambulance to tend to his broken ankle. It was quite an exciting day.
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Julius stopped to examine nearly every hole in the concrete, through which the water far below could be glimpsed.Posted by Picasa

Huddling behind the first tower, which neatly blocked the wind.
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We walked across the Bridge today, and then Momma and Daddy jogged back to get the cars.
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Julius shows his cousins around the back yard. They found some plums.
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Friday, June 15, 2007

Brendan, Julius, Allison, and Lauren in the "big balloon bed."
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Julius is having a blast visiting with his cousins from Michigan. Tonight, we're at a neighborhood pizza spot.
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Friday, June 08, 2007

Julius and Ben performed a harmonica duet at Dan & Mary-Liz's dinner party. Juju got to stay up until 11pm! He was the star of the party. And notice the monkey pajamas ... they're the new black.
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

John teaches Julius how to play the trumpet. His technique is a little unorthodox. (Notice the T-shirt the proud papa is wearing. That's Ava!)
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We got to visit John, Tanya, and Ava for John's birthday. It was good to have the group back together again, if only for a night.
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